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Curatorial Intensive 2024

21–26 July 2024

OnCurating & PhD in Practice in Curating, University of Reading
in collaboration with OnCurating Academy Berlin & ZK/U Berlin

ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics
Siemensstraße 27, 10551 Berlin

Application: Only few places left!

Tuition Fees
for Students: 350 Euro. Apply here.
regular: 600 Euro. Apply here.

5 days with workshops and 5 public talks
Starting in the evening of Sunday 21st of July until Friday 26th of July afternoon:

Summer School “Commoning Artistic and Curatorial Education”, CAMP Notes on education, documenta fifteen, Kassel. Photo: Jan-Gottfried Esser.

How does curatorial practice shape our sense of self and community, of subjectivity and collectivity, and what underlying messages does it convey? In an era of cultural controversies that often reinforce existing biases, we aim to spark a thoughtful, rigorous, and sometimes playful curatorial dialogue. The Curatorial Intensive kicks off with an engaging talk on the evening prior to the followed dynamic, hands-on workshop the next day. Five innovative curators from the PhD Program in Curating of Reading University will share their profound research based on their dissertation and invite participants to join in thought-provoking exercises and discussions.

PhD Publications can be found here: https://www.on-curating.org/books.html


Dorothee Richter: Talk 21 July 2024 (evening), Workshop 22 July 2024
Curating: Politics of Display, Politics of Site, Politics of Transfer and Translation, Poli-tics of Knowledge Production. A Fragmented and Situated Theory of Curating

Hadas Kedar: Talk 22 July 2024 (evening), Workshop 23 July 2024
Keeping the Edges Open: Towards an Inclusive Curatorial Practice in the Negev and Beyond

Maayan Sheleff: Talk 23 July2024 (evening), Workshop 24 July 2024
Echoing with a Difference––Curating Voices and the Politics of Participation

Ronald Kolb: Talk 24 July 2024 (evening), Workshop 25 July 2024
Curating as Governmental Practices: Post-Exhibitionary Practices under Translocal Conditions in Governmental Constella-tions

Tommaso Speretta: Talk 25th July 2024 (evening), Workshop 26 July 2024
Cruising Curating: Notes on a Promiscuous Methodology for the Curatorial


Workshop Description

Hadas Kedar: Keeping the Edges Open – Towards an Inclusive Curatorial Practice in the Negev and Beyond explores the culture of the Arab Bedouin indigenous population in Israel's Negev desert. This workshop highlights curatorial methods that recontextualize this often misrepresented and appropriated culture, aiming to elevate its presence in the international cultural discourse.

Maayan Sheleff: Echoing with a Difference – Curating Voices and the Politics of Participation investigates the interplay between individual voices and collective identities through speaking assemblies. This workshop examines the curatorial voice amid political censorship and identity politics, using activities like reading, speaking, and singing to challenge and deconstruct essentialist definitions of identity.

Ronald Kolb: Curating as Governmental Practices – Post-Exhibitionary Practices under Translocal Conditions engages in post-exhibitionary practices that foster direct, self-critical exchanges between art institutions and audiences. This workshop focuses on the dynamic, asymmetric power relations in exhibitionary contact zones and aims to enhance embodied knowledge and insight.

Tommaso Speretta’s “Cruising Curating: Notes on a Promiscuous Methodology for the Curatorial” delves into a promiscuous research methodology, examining how cruising can inform curatorial practices. This workshop discusses the curatorial as a space that embraces uncertainty and challenges societal norms, fostering diverse forms of becoming and knowledge production.

Dorothee Richter’s workshop “Curating – Politics of Display, Politics of Site, Politics of Transfer and Translation, Politics of Knowledge Production” understands curating as a multifaceted practice deeply intertwined with societal transformations. This workshop covers the politics of display, site, and translation, advocating for new formats and temporalities in art and curatorial practices to address contemporary issues of inclusion, labor reorganization, and cultural policies.

Each workshop promises a unique blend of theoretical insights and practical exercises, inviting participants to engage critically with the evolving landscape of curatorial practice.