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On-Curating.org is an independent international web-journal focusing on questions around curatorial practice and theory.

Dorothee Richter

Web and Graphic Design Concept
Michel Fernández Graphic Design

Thirteenth Issue
Jeannine Herrmann

Web Publishing Thirteenth Issue
Linus Hunkeler

Thirteenth Issue
Institution as Medium. Curating as Institutional Critique? / Part II

Dorothee Richter, Rein WolfsAdministration: Amber Hickey (On-Curating.org)

Giovanni Carmine, Maja Ciric, Helmut Draxler, Beryl Graham, Damian Jurt, Hassan Khan, Marysia Lewandowska, Isin Onol, Yael Eylat Van-Essen.

Amber Hickey

Supported by
The Postgraduate Programme in Curating, Institute for Cultural Studies, Department of Cultural Analysis, Zurich University of the Arts.


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Issue 13

Institution as medium. Curating as institutional critique? Part 2

The second part of the publication for the symposium, Institution as Medium. Curating as Institutional Critique?, organised by the Kunsthalle Fridericianum and the Zurich Postgraduate Programme in Curating (Institute for Cultural Studies, Department of Cultural Analysis, Zurich University of the Arts), deals with notion of art-mediation and addressing publics in the realm of institutional critique. The question remains: how can a practice that intends to radically show the conditionality of art, its financial entanglements, and its function as a means of distinction, be related to institutions and curators’ activities therein? Is this not a contradiction in terms? The aim of the symposium was to explore these contradictions, as well as the possibilities and limitations of critical curatorial practice.

Contributions by Giovanni Carmine, Maja Ciric, Neil Cummings, Helmut Draxler, Beryl Graham, Damian Jurt, Hassan Khan, Marysia Lewandowska, Isin Onol, Dorothee Richter and Yael Eylat Van-Essen. Edited by Dorothee Richter and Rein Wolfs.

by Dorothee Richter and Rein Wolfs


by Dorothee Richter

Some thoughts

by Giovanni Carmine and Hassan Khan

Possible Encounters

by Damian Jurt


by Marysia Lewandowska and Neil Cummings

Museum Futures: Live, Recorded, Distributed

by Maja Ciric and Isin Onol

Can Curating be Taught?