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by Paul Stewart

Visual Essay

Visual Essay, by Paul Stewart

Visual Essay, by Paul Stewart

Visual Essay, by Paul Stewart

Visual Essay, by Paul Stewart

Visual Essay, by Paul Stewart

Visual Essay, by Paul Stewart

Visual Essay, by Paul Stewart

Visual Essay, by Paul Stewart

Visual Essay, by Paul Stewart

Visual Essay, by Paul Stewart

Paul Stewart is an artist and curator based in Gateshead, England. He is a lecturer and course leader BA Fine Art at MIMA School and Art and Design, Teesside University. Completed a PhD (2018) titled: The Alternative Art School: Art, Hegemony and Critical Pedagogy.  MA in Art & Politics from Goldsmiths College (2012), BA in Fine Art at University of Lincoln (2011)t. He was theco-founder of the Middlesbrough Art Weekender, Bad Spirits, and the Alternative Art College. He has exhibited work and published around topics sitting at the intersection between art practice, the digital, politics, and critical pedagogy.

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