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Oliver Marchart

Hegenomy Machines documenta X to fifteen and the Politics of Biennalization

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ISBN: 9798839575660

In his essay Oliver Marchart takes an analytical and provocative look at the last six documenta exhibitions. Based on the theories of Antonio Gramsci, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, Marchart describes museums and biennials as national and global hegemony machines that reproduce bourgeois dominant culture, but also make it vulnerable to attack. Along with documenta’s recent history, Marchart traces a canon shift in the art field with regard to political art practices, theory, art education and the decentering of the West.

Oliver Marchart is a philosopher and sociologist. Since 2016 he works at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Vienna.


This publication is a translated and extended version of Hegemonie im Kunstfeld. Die documenta-Ausstellungen dX, D11, d12 und die Politik der Biennalisierung by Oliver Marchart, published by Marius Babias, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.), as volume 2 of the series n.b.k. Diskurs, © 2008 Oliver Marchart // Neuer Berliner Kunstverein // OnCurating.org  
Oliver Marchart, HEGEMONY MACHINES, documenta X to fifteen and the Politics of Biennalization
Published by OnCurating.org (Dorothee Richter) and Marius Babias, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.)
Zurich, Berlin 2022

Neuer Berliner Kunstverein
Chausseestr. 128/129
10115 Berlin

Pfingstweidstraße 96,
8005 Zurich, Switzerland

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