
Maayan Sheleff

Echoing with a Difference: Curating Voices and the Politics of Participation

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ISBN: 9783952407813

Echoing with a Difference––Curating Voices and the Politics of Participation, probes participatory curatorial practices that entail agonistic relations, embodying, voicing and instigating conflicts. Taking the global wave of the post-financial crisis protests in 2011 as an entry point, the book critically discusses the protests’ impact on participatory artistic and curatorial prac­tices, and the ambivalent manifestations of this impact in collective vocal utterings.

In an intimate, reflexive account, Maayan Sheleff scrutinises her own cura­­torial projects and others, examining how they respond to changes in per­ceptions of identity and to the silencing of alternative voices. Focusing on both the potential power as well as the challenges of participation, she reexamines participatory practices that make use of the human voice between the conversational to the antagonistic, leading to as an ex­plo­ra­tion of the curatorial voice and the challenges that it meets between medi­ation and authorship, as an instigator, collaborator or traitor.

Dr Maayan Sheleff is an independent curator and researcher. She curated pro­jects at the KW, Berlin, Bonnefanten Museum, Maastricht, Reading International, UK, the Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo and Madre Museum, Naples, among others. She is the co-author of (Un)Com­moning Voices and (Non)Communcal Bodies (OnCurating academic book series, 2021). Her publications include “Fear and Love in Graz”, in Empty Stages, Crowded Flats. Performativity as Curatorial Strategy, Performing Urgency #4, ed. Florian Malzacher and Joanna Warsza (Berlin: House on Fire, Alexander Verlag and Live Art Development Agency, 2017) and “The Infiltrators – Crossing Borders with Participatory Art”, in Refugees and Cultural Education- Formats and strategies for a new field of practice, ed. Caroline Gritschke and Maren Ziese (Transcript publishing, Germany, 2016)


Published by OnCurating.org

This publication is mainly based on the dissertation as part of the PhD in Practice in Curating Program, a joint doctoral program of the Zurich University
of the Arts and the University of Reading, supported by “swissuniversities.”

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Theory Books

Anna Alkistis Kontopoulou

Curation of Autonomy

Maayan Sheleff & Sarah Spies

(Un)Commoning Voices and (Non)Communal Bodies